Project 1

Proposed Surgical Centre

1. Schematic Plan
2. Schematic View
Project 2

New Surgical Ward Construction

Project 3

Omanhemaa sits down with Kwahu traditional counsil

Project 4

Gathering to Break Ground on a New Clinic

Project 5

Clothing and surgical material donations

According to a study posted in the Ghana Medical Journal September 2007 edition, Ghana has a persistently unacceptably high maternal mortality ratio which is estimated at 540 per 100,000 live births. In addition, service is unequally distributed between socio-economic groups such that delivery service utilization by poverty level is greater than the fourfold difference between the poor and the rich, coupled with poor confidence in services provided due to bad professional attitudes. It is in line with these documented barriers that Nana Adwoa Fosua Adoawoma decided to launch a maternity home at Kwahu-Tafo after her tour in the region in April 2017 to improve the maternal care in the Kwahu Traditional area to help reduce the high maternal mortality rate and to provide culturally competent professionals to handle the Home.

Nana’s choice facility serves about 50 villages in and around Kwahu-Tafo traditional area and has some amenities and professionals established by the Catholic Dioceses of Koforidua. It is therefore the wish of Nana Adwoa Fosua, that folks across the globe, particularly Catholics and Ghanaians will support generously to raise funds to establish the Maternity Home to serve the underprivileged people in these local areas. This establishment will provide a more hygienic and safer environment to deliver newborn babies and their mothers.
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5 Forest Park Dr., Farmington, CT 06032